Kamis, 17 Desember 2009
Function Internet For Scholar
internet for scholar is one of the way for searching many educational subject for our studies when we browse on internet, we can find many information but in my studies, i use internet for searching all about civil engineering and other information too, such as news, download musics, download videos, etc .
we also can use internet to keep in touch with our friend of other university. in the business world, sometimes people use internet for buying and selling poducts. it gives a benetical for them because tehy don't have to spend a lot of money by trading in the internet . we also can share our arguments, mood, and ,many other.
and then internet also have the bad effects are too using internet endanger the users the users mentally and physically, can make student lazy because for playing game, broke our eyes if long time yopu use computer, and to make things worse, some people even use the internet for searching something taht they mustn't search it for example, like porn videos. thise extremly dangerous, especially for children. because of that, it's good to have parents watch their children when use the internet, and the good effects are many quick information up to date with "hows the world now" and so on .
Poles Apart
Antartica is nearly twice the size of the
The climate of the two areas is very different . antartica is the coldest area in the world . antartica 30 degrees colder than the arctic . at the south pole nearly 10.000 feet high, monthly mean temperatures run well below zero . sometimes rise about freezing in the summer in December to march .
At both poles, daily temperatures may drop far below the monthly mean . at the American South Pole Station, winter temperatures sometimes fall below -100 degrees Fahrenheit . a temperatures of -127 degrees Fahrenheit was measured in August 1960 .
Ice is the great feature of antartica . more than 4.5 million square miles of ice sheet cover the area . in ice free areas of antartica mosses, lichens, and algae are found .
The icecap is very thick, averaging nearly 8.000 feet . at one spot scientist have found the distance from the surface to the rock underneath the ice to be more than 13.000 feet .
Extreme atmospheric changes would have to take place for this to happen .
Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009
the effect of drugs
Various the effects found in our brain are reduced intelligence and cell damage . that effects so dangerous . if our brain already influenced with that drugs . we are stupefied . don’t know people around you . you have headache . don’t know what you feel in your body . another effects of select street drugs on the brain, Heroin causes “CRAVINGS” and strong psychological and physical dependence . excessive doses can lead to coma and even death from respiratory failure, Alcohol causes blackout, Cocaine can lead to feelings of Paranoia and anxiety, Tobacco drugs – this drugs very dangerous, put Nicotine on your body, and the effect in brain quickly like other inhalants, producing feelings of pleasure like cocaine, and highly addictive like heroin, and the last Ritalin, this drugs causes severe headaches, anxiety, paranoia and delusions .
Beside brain, our vital organ can be broken up by drugs . for examples, our liver can be broken, our heart can be broken cause smoking ! our lugs can be perforated . and then, make our skin wrinkled, and make our eyes lookslike depressed . different drugs absolutely different effects .
Many differents effects on people and have placed . the effects are STIMULANTS, drugs that act on the central nervous system and increase brain activity, DEPRESSANTS, drugs that act on slow down brain activity, HALLUCINOGENTS, drugs that act on the mind, distorting the way users see and hear things, ANALGESICS, drugs that have a pain killing effect, the last, ANABOLIC STEROIDS, these drugs promote the growth of skeletal muscle and increase lean body mass .
Serious effects of drugs is destroys cells and cause death . so you must far away from drugs .