Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

the effect of drugs

Drugs is a chemical subtance . it is very forbidden in the earth especially in Indonesia . drugs consist of Napza, Alcohol, Marijuana, Heroin, cocaine, Methamphetamine, LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), Ecstasy, Opium, PCP (Phencyclidine), etc . many teens try these drugs on senior high school in 2007 . 41% had tried Marijuana, 72% had tried Alcohol, 15% had abuse prescription drugs, 3% had tried Methampetamine, 1,5% had tried Heroin, and 7,8% had used cocaine . and then drugs also have the effects . the effects of the drug it self can follow these adolescents for the rest of their lives . one of the most effects of an adolescents drug addiction is the health problems that come with drug use, even in small doses, both of illicit and legal drugs can have severe effects on a teenager . however, the most dangerous health consequence comes with a drug overdose, which in many cases leads to death an then drugs have many effects on our brain and our vital organ .

Various the effects found in our brain are reduced intelligence and cell damage . that effects so dangerous . if our brain already influenced with that drugs . we are stupefied . don’t know people around you . you have headache . don’t know what you feel in your body . another effects of select street drugs on the brain, Heroin causes “CRAVINGS” and strong psychological and physical dependence . excessive doses can lead to coma and even death from respiratory failure, Alcohol causes blackout, Cocaine can lead to feelings of Paranoia and anxiety, Tobacco drugs – this drugs very dangerous, put Nicotine on your body, and the effect in brain quickly like other inhalants, producing feelings of pleasure like cocaine, and highly addictive like heroin, and the last Ritalin, this drugs causes severe headaches, anxiety, paranoia and delusions .

Beside brain, our vital organ can be broken up by drugs . for examples, our liver can be broken, our heart can be broken cause smoking ! our lugs can be perforated . and then, make our skin wrinkled, and make our eyes lookslike depressed . different drugs absolutely different effects .

Many differents effects on people and have placed . the effects are STIMULANTS, drugs that act on the central nervous system and increase brain activity, DEPRESSANTS, drugs that act on slow down brain activity, HALLUCINOGENTS, drugs that act on the mind, distorting the way users see and hear things, ANALGESICS, drugs that have a pain killing effect, the last, ANABOLIC STEROIDS, these drugs promote the growth of skeletal muscle and increase lean body mass .

Serious effects of drugs is destroys cells and cause death . so you must far away from drugs .

3 komentar:

  1. yes, Nisa you are on the right tract, this is agood essay. but i notice some grammatical errors. invite friends to join and let them help youu to revise your sentences.

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. Nisa or Sasha, keep writing and reading in english
